Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Scion Show

I'd never been to one of Scion's art shows. It always kind of struck me a little weird that Scion was trying to appeal to it's younger market by, as Mitra puts it, gaining "street cred" off the new art scene; though, at the same time I love that up and coming artists are being supported and taken seriously.

The other reason that Scion is of interest to me right now is this commercial:

There's always a place in my heart for innovative use of and design in CG animation.

So back to the show: Good friends, good art, and the real reason I loved the show so much? Photobooth !! (free btw)


Otherwise I totally forgot my camera so the only images I have are from the booklet:

Manny Prieres
manny Prieres

Jen Stark
jen Stark


Josh Slater who is soon to be the newest cast member at the Blood is the New Black.
Josh Slater

There were more great artists and I think the show is up until the 21st of July.

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